Video Editing
I do a bit of video editing. Thought I'd enjoy it as much as the audio side of things... but I don't. I have a bit of experience though and a decent setup for what I do, so here's some of what I know.
Adobe Systems - Authors of Premiere and After Effects - programs for video editing / production that'll leave a taste of Apple in your mouth.
Guy Graphics - "Digital Video Experts" - A good place to buy video related hardware and software online.
Matrox - Makers of the RT2000, RT2500, and the newer RT.X's. Nice cards compared the old Miro/Pinnacle DC30+ I used to have. I have an RT2500 now and am very pleased with it. They've now got the RT.X100 as of May 2003.
Pinnacle Systems - Makers of DC30+ which I used to have, as well as a bunch of others. They were very bad at driver development in my experience. Lots of angry users left out to dry.
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